Extra virgin olive oil

Great is the attention that "Masseria Monte" reserves for the cultivation and production of oil whose surface area of trees covers half of the property's land. The company's olive groves, all equipped with a drip irrigation system, are located on flat, productive land with good drainage capabilities, which avoids water stagnation which is very harmful to the fruit. There are 9 varieties of olives grown on the farm, partly reserved for the production of quality extra virgin olive oil: Leccino, Coratina, Ogliarola, Cima di Melfi, Frantoiana, Toscanina. The cultivation of the “Apple Olive”, “S. Agostino” and “Nocellara” are instead packaged for table consumption.

The love and attention for this crop is already evident in the care of the vegetative aspect through the choice of an integrated defense, treating the plant only when strictly necessary. Scrupulousness is also reserved by the Ricupero family for identifying the right time and methods to proceed with the harvest. After the latter, we proceed with exclusively cold milling and in a trusted oil mill.